The Moon is
Waxing Gibbous

Day 6 - Back to the Hedges & More GOT
First let me repeat that the Ceilidh last night was excellent. It is the kind of thing that reinvigorates one's artistic soul.

When we returned yesterday, Cissy mentioned several times that the Dark Hedges did not appear as she saw them in pictures. And she A small patch of blooming heatherwanted to walk down the road. So today we returned. We retraced our route back over the Green Hills of Antrim once again passing through the fields of heather. As it turns out, I missed my turn and was driving down the wrong road. So the picture I posted was not of the Dark Hedges. However, the photo below is guaranteed to be the real thing. I have not been able to find a YouTube video of the scene in whichThe Mausoleum at Downhill Demesne Arya et. al. are making their way to the Wall. However, you will find it in Season 2 Episode 1.

From here, we traveled northwest to County Londonderry to the Mussenden Temple, another GOT site. It is located on the site of the Downhill Demesne and Hezlett House. The House was built in the late 18th century for the 4th Earl of Bristol and Lord Bishop of Derry. Much of the building was destroyed by fire in 1851 before being rebuilt in the 1870s. It was used to house soldiers in the WWII and fell into disrepair after the war. In the movie, the Temple was the site of scenes with Stannis Baratheon and Melisandra at Dragenstone.

On our return to the Cottage, we passed within sight of Mt. Slemish. Tradition has it that Saint Patrick, enslaved as a youth, was brought to this area and tended sheep herds on the side of the mountain and it was here that he found God. An extinct volcano, on Saint Patrick's Day large crowds make a pilgrimage to the top of the mountain, a one and a half kilometer walk. Not being St. Pattie's day, I forewent the trip.

After dinner, John, Tom and I decided to drive back up the coast to the town of Carnlough, the site of another GOT scene. This one was the scene where Arya is stabbed by the Waif and falls off of the bridge into Bravos Harbour. She then is seen climb­ing white stone steps back to shore. These steps are in the harbour at Carnlough and can be seen here about 1:44 into the clip. I will add the locations of all of the GOT sites to the map on the first page of this trip.

Tomorrow we leave our lovely Cottage to travel back to Dublin for the weekend. More good food and,of course, Guinness.

The REAL Dark Hedges Gracehill House, originally built by James Stuart on lands granted by King James I of England Mussenden Temple aka Dragonstone The ruins of Downhill Demesne The Bishop’s Gate to Downhill Demesne & Mussenden Temple Mt. Slemish, here St. Patrick herded sheep as a boy and slave Arya Stark climbed these steps after being stabbed by the Waif at Bravos Habour (aka Carnlough Harbour)
To Day 7 - Carncastle to Dublin
Last Modified: 8/29/2023
A small patch of blooming heather
The Mausoleum at Downhill Demesne
The REAL Dark Hedges
Gracehill House, originally built by James Stuart on lands granted by King James I of England
Mussenden Temple aka Dragonstone
The ruins of Downhill Demesne
The Bishop’s Gate to Downhill Demesne & Mussenden Temple
Mt. Slemish, here St. Patrick herded sheep as a boy and slave
Arya Stark climbed these steps after being stabbed by the Waif at Bravos Habour (aka Carnlough Harbour)