Roman Coliseum The  Parthenon The Forbidden City Where in the World Is: Results,23.726639&spn=0.002901,0.007135&z=18&om=1 Red Square Hoover Dam Neyland Stadium The Great Pyramid The One  O’Clock Gun Stonehenge Uluru Eiffel Tower Empire State Bldg Golden Gate Bridge & Alcatraz Gateway Arch The Parthenon Taj Mahal Mt. St. Helens Panama Canal USS Missouri Pearl Harbor Niagara Falls Machu Picchu Victoria Falls Statue of Liberty

Travel! One of my favorite past times. I have been fortunate to travel to many places in the world. However, there are many places that are both mysterious and beautiful that I will probably never see. Below are some of both. Click the link for instantaneous and free travel.

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