In my journeys, I have had the opportunity to see many castles and palaces throughout the Isles and Europe. When we hear castle, visions often come to mind of King Arthur's Camelot, C. S. Lewis' The Chronicles of Narnia Cair Paravel, Winterfell from George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire or even Walt Disney's Sleeping Beauty Castle. They were a mixture of functioning structures often with residents or sometimes a military detachment, restored castles for tourists and partial and ruined castles sometimes amounting to no more than a pile of stones. Many of them have appeared in movies and TV series and many are even haunted.

Here I present them in the order that I first encountered them. This list in no way comes close to exhausting the total number of castles and palaces.

Castles began to appear in Europe in the late 9th and early 10th centuries. Prior to this, most fortifications tended to be hill forts built in the manner of the Romans. Initially rising in Italy and Spain, they were generally constructed from timber or mud bricks. In the 11th century, growth in castles increased, partly caused by skirmishes between local city states and also by the incursion of the Moors into Spain. During the Crusades from the late 11th through the late 12th centuries, Crusaders brought back many innovations from the Middle East. The majority of 13th century European castles were created by Military Orders of Knights Hospitaller, Knights Templar, and Teutonic Knights. By the 17th century, the creation of new castles declined sharply. However, many stayed in use by aristocratic families and military. A brief interest in castle construction returned in the 19th and early 20th centuries.
World Castles by Country
Country CastlesCountry CastlesCountry Castles
Afghanistan 16Ghana 14Netherlands 1200
Albania 38Greece 800New Zealand 2
Argentina 1Guernsey 36North Macedonia 76
Armenia 293Hungary 103Norway 153
Austria 40Iran 482Pakistan 66
Azerbaijan 106Iraq 9Poland 354
Belarus 29Ireland 30000Portugal 282
Belgium 3000Isle of Man 6Romania 310
Bosnia and Herzegovina 60Israel 8Russia 63
Brazil 22Italy 45000Saudi Arabia 19
Bulgaria 34Japan 264Serbia 54
Canada 69Jersey 36Slovakia 134
China 27Jordan 14Slovenia 59
Croatia 115Kenya 2South Africa 5
Cuba 4Latvia 37Spain
Cyprus 18Lebanon 18Sri Lanka 40
Czech Republic 2000Libya 3Sweden 224
Denmark 167Liechtenstein 5Switzerland 500
Dominican Republic 1Lithuania 17Syria 43
Egypt 37Luxembourg 65Turkey 95
Estonia 43Malta 3Ukraine 55
Ethiopia 3Mexico 5United Kingdom 4000
Finland 22Moldova 1United States 303
France 40000Mongolia 5Venezuela 6
Germany 25000Namibia 4Yemen 5
Data From

Early castles in the British Isles were encouraged by the Vikings who regularly raided the Isles from the 780s.Motte & Bailey Castle With the Norman Conquest of England in 1066, castles began to spring up throughout England and Wales and then into Scotland. Royal castles were employed to control key towns while Baronial castles were used by Norman lords to control their estates. With the Norman invasion of Ireland by Henry II in the late 12th century, castles began to be built there.

Earliest castles were built in the Motte and Bailey model. The Motte was a hill, often man made, on which a fort was built. Below the Motte was a walled courtyard, the Bailey, surrounded by a ditch and palisade, a wooden defensive wall.Stone Keep Castle

As castles became more sophisticated, the Motte evolved to a stone Keep and the Bailey wall also became stone. The stone wall included towers from which archers could command the surrounding bare ground. The Stone Keep castle was often encompassed by a water Moat complete with a drawbridge and Barbican, a tower gateway.Concentric Castle

The ultimate version of the castle is the Concentric Castle. This is basically a Stone Keep with an additional outer wall complete with towers and a second, or outer, Bailey between the walls. The important buildings were contained within the inner Bailey. The outer wall might include a Barbican and surrounded by a Moat.A Tower Castle

Another type of castle is the Tower Castle. It consists mainly of a fortified Tower, with no Bailey and often without a surrounding wall. While it may look like nothing more than a fortified house, it often contains crenellations on the top and arrow loops for archers. They can be either round (drum tower) or rectangular.

A Castle is built mainly for protection and safety and are made from tough materials like stone and brick. Often drafty and with little natural light, they were not the primary dwelling of those with means. Palaces are more elaborate and extravagant, often designed by an architect.Palace of Versailles It is a grand residence with windows and light and is meant to display the wealth of the owner. Although palaces are large residences and may have walls around them, they do not have high curtain walls and were not designed for military purposes.

Compared to Palaces, Castles are rather modern developments. One of the earliest known palaces was the Assyrian Palace of Nimrud built in the 9th century BC. And there were the palaces of Bronze Age Greece at Mycenae, Tiryns and Pylos. The Palace of Domitian were the palaces that were the homes of the Roman Emperors from the late 1st to the 5th centuries AD. The best known "modern" palaces include the French Palace of Versailles and Buckingham Palace in London.

Among the palaces I have visited, two fall in the list of the five most valuable palaces in the World. The Palace of Versailles in France is second on the list with an estimated value varying from $40B to $50B. Buckingham Palace in London, England, is fifth with estimated to be worth from $4B to $7B. The number one palace on the list is the Forbidden City in China at about $70B.

World Palaces by Country
Country PalacesCountry PalacesCountry PalacesCountry PalacesCountry Palaces
Afghanistan 3Chile 3Indonesia 99Morocco 24Singapore 6
Albania 1China 29Iran 31Nepal 39Slovakia 60
Algeria 1Colombia 3Iraq 4New Zealand 3Spain 19
Armenia 29Croatia 32Italy 897Nigeria 6Sri Lanka 2
Australia 11Denmark 9Japan 21Oman 7Sweden 14
Austria 6Egypt 76Jordan 1Pakistan 21Syria 19
Azerbaijan 64Estonia 2Korea 29Paraguay 3Thailand 40
Bangladesh 15Ethiopia 1Kuwait 7Peru 7Tonga 1
Belarus 11Finland 1Laos 3Philippines 12Tunisia 1
Belgium 15France 71Latvia 15Poland 76Turkey 21
Bolivia 1Georgia 6Lebanon 18Portugal 75Turkmenistan 2
Brazil 63Germany 191Lithuania 10Qatar 11Ukraine 34
Brunei 10Ghana 4Luxembourg 1Romania 40United Kingdom 70
Bulgaria 28Greece 12Malaysia 97Russia 55United States 47
Burundi 1Haiti 1Mexico 18Rwanda 1Venezuela 1
Cambodia 4Hungary 3Monaco 2Saudi Arabia 6Vietnam 6
Canada 12India 204Mongolia 4Serbia 57
Data From

Index of Castles and Palaces
Click a specific Castle, Palace or Country
English & WelshDoune CastleCarrickfergus Castle
Another Damn CastleDuart CastleDunguaire Castle
Arundel CastleDundonald CastleDunluce Castle
Blenheim PalaceDunrobin CastleGlenarm Castle
Buckingham PalaceEdinburgh CastleKilkenny Castle
Caldicot CastleEilean Donan CastleKylemore Abbey
Sudeley CastleFloors CastleMalahide Castle
Tower of LondonGlamis CastleO'Brien's Tower
ScottishLochmaben CastlePowerscourt Estate
AbbotsfordScone PalaceThe Rock of Cashel
Blackness CastleStirling CastleYet Another Damn Castle
Blair CastleTurnberry CastleEuropean
Castle CaerlaverockUrquhart CastleChateau de La Roche-Guyon
Castle of MeyIrishChateau Gaillard
Castle StalkerAnother Damn CastleFortezza Medicea
Corgarff CastleBlarney CastlePalace of Versailles
Crathes CastleBunratty Castle
To English & Welsh Castles & Palaces