The Moon is
Waxing Gibbous
Casa de Flew

Shortly after returning to my home town of Jackson, TN in 1994, I purchased a small house in north Jackson. After living there about five years, I realized that I really wanted not only a larger house, but something more rural. I vowed to buy another, which if termed my final house, before I turned 50. In August of 2000, less than a week before my 50th birthday, I moved into my Beech Bluff Rd home. This house was located about half way to my brother, Frank’s, home and I had passed and admired it many times over the years. I was quite satisfied with the situation and quickly set in for the long haul.

Through a conspiracy between my daughter, Amy, my then secretary, Lottie, and a co-worker, Wes, a small, part-Corgie, dog also came to live with me at the same time. She came with the name Dusty and soon became my dearest friend and companion. (Little did I know that she would far outlive my final home.)

I soon dubbed my home Casa de Flew. (This was three years before my first journey to Scotland and the influence it would have on my later years.) Its 2.9 acres sat on a hill overlooking the Forked Deer River valley and was the home of deer, turkey and the occasional coyote.

These are just a few pictures from Casa de Flew. In 2003, Jackson was struck at midnight by two tornados, one F2 and an F4. They converged approximately a quarter mile north of my home. Because I work with the local utility in Jackson, I had to make my way out and get to the office ASAP. This is the sight I found in daylight when I returned about 16 hours later. The metal is from the barn across the road. I lost three 80’ oaks and a lovely ash. Needless to say, the place doesn’t look the same.

Casa de Flew after a Tennessee Blizzard
Before the Tornado
Amy, Clovis and Dusty Christmas ‘06
My Dusty
Casa de Flew after the ‘03 Tornado