Grandfather Mountain 2012

In June, I accompanied Alex and Linda to the Grandfather Mountain Games in North Carolina. While the weather had been wet the days prior to our arrival, it turned out to be quite pleasant that day.
Alex arrives on the field with the help of his brother, Neil Alex was met by his friend Dave McKenzie Ross Morrison, President,  And Frank Grant, Gen Mgr, Present Alex with the  Agnes MacRae Morton  Award for his outstanding  contribution to promoting  Scottish heritage at the  Grandfather Mountain  Highland Games Alex with long time friend, and top sales person, Beth Arnold. Alex and Catie Crain As soon as Alex got settled in, his fans starting arriving. Lucy Crain speaks with Alex Alex and Mary Haire Alex takes some time from meetirg his fans to listen to Ed Miller, Jil Chamblis and Scooter Muse do <q>If My Memory Serves Me Well</q>. To Alex's right is his good friend, Randy Farrar, who surprised Alex by driving up from Franklin that morning. Randy prodtced and performed on many of Alex's recordings and has been a great help to him Linda since relocating from Cali to Franklin. To Randy's right is Alex's brother Neil. Alex’s sister-in-law, Ann,  brother, Neil, and good  friend Bob Campbell. Alex speaks with Ed Miller as he leaves the field.  Ed performed on Alex’s stage that day and performed  many of Alex’s recordings. Behind Alex talking to Linda is Marnie Campbell, Bob’s wife. After leaving the field, we joined the McPherson Clan at the campground for what has become an annual tradition of celebrating Alex's birthday that falls the week of the Grandfather Mountain Games. To Alex's left is J. T. McPherson, the Patriarch of the Johnson City Clan. Alex’s brother Neil delighted Alex by performing on the pipes for his birthday.  And, yes, he did perform “Happy Birthday”. Alex & Linda celebrate Alex’s birthday at the McPherson encampment Alex says so-long to Scooter Muse, Amy Brady and Jil Chamblis.