Day 2 in Oz
Day 2 in Oz It seems that the Australians are a curious people. To think all of this beauty was created by muggers and petty thieves! If only England had seen fit to send a few architects and artists.

My first meal was oysters and smoked salmon bruscetta on the Circular Quay (pronounced "Key") at the foot of the Opera House. Oh yeah, I had a mug of the local cold brew. I spent the rest of the day walking through the botanic gardens. The sound of exotic birds was all around me. As I sat on a bench, a golden ibis walked within 10 feet of me (or 3m in the local jargon).

The remainder of the time I spent finding my way back to the hotel. It was a good thing I had obtained a trusty map from one of the natives. Unfortunately, I kept getting distracted by the architecture and wandered far from my necessary path. Fortunately, I found a short cut and was soon back in my room and boy were my dogs barking! After the 14.5 hr. flight from LA (not to mention the 4.5 hr. flight to LA), I had about all of the excitement I could stand for the day. I took a brief 4 hr. nap, awoke and had a plate of fish and chips for dinner. (The natives called it fried flathead and charged me $16 for it.)

Today, well rested, I walked back to Circular Quay and enjoyed a luncheon cruise of Sydney Harbor. I must have 100 pictures of the Opera House. Afterward I was treated to a bus tour of the city and saw everything from the hoity-toity to the red light district. I am even now planning for entertainment latter this evening.

We visited Bondi Beach, famous for surfing and nude swimming. I actually observed two naked buttocks. Unfortunately, they belonged to two local surfer dudes who saw fit to change into their speedos on the frigging beach. I did get pictures for those that care (you know who I mean, Lottie.)

After returning to my hotel, I strolled down to The Rocks to take my dinner. Let me set the record straight, Kangaroo will never replace good old beef or even lamb. Even if you stuff it with mushrooms and oysters!

Well, tomorrow I am off to the Blue Mountains. Perhaps I will discover some of the local wildlife (not counting the shella's I have come across).

Must check in with my native porters for the trip details.

I'll try to include pictures in future epistles.

Loretta, the hat has really come in handy.

Buie, I only have 512 pictures left on my camera. Not to worry, I have another memory card that will hold 362 more.

All from Oz,
To Day 3 in Oz