How do you get 21st Century Gas at 20th Century Prices? It’s really easy…when you know the secret. Here is how you get started on the road to savings and, as we said in 1973, “sticking it to the Man”.

For every 100 points you rack up, you will receive a 10¢ discount at the pump. I’m single and I can get a 40¢ discount without much effort. Your maximum discount at a Kroger pump is limited only to your number of points and the price per gallon. At the Shell station you can get a maximum of $1.00 per gallon (though some may only award 10¢ max). You can get a maximum of 35 gallons per purchase. (This means you can fill up at least two cars at a time.) Points do expire if not used so you should keep up with them as you go. Your points are shown at the bottom of your Kroger receipt or you can go to the site and check your points (after you’ve registered).

But if you want to make the big bucks, and here I mean at least a dollar $1.00 per gallon every time, you have to go a couple of extra steps.

Again, remember that your points expire and also that not all Shell stations participate. (On a recent trip I stopped at two that did not include Kroger rewards.) Look for the Kroger Plus logo on their sign.

People, THIS IS FREE MONEY, IT IS NOT ILLEGAL and IT IS NOT TAXABLE! (Not Taxable! Now you’re really “sticking it to the Man” and it could mean another 25-35% in tax savings!)

So let’s review your possible savings if you compile 1000 points per month:
  1. $15.00 - If you purchase a minimum of 15 gallons (could be more)
  2. $10.00 - If your credit card gives $1.00 per 100 pts
  3. $6.25 - If you are in the 25% tax bracket (15+10)X.25
  4. $31.25 - Total savings for each fill-up

If you have multiple cars (your spouse, a kid or two) and you fill up three cars twice a month, then you can save as much as $2250 per year. (For the math challenged, that’s $31.25 X 3cars X2fill-ups a month X 12months.) That’ll pay for vacation (where you will save more money.)

So, remember these points and get the FREE MONEY:

If you don’t shop at Kroger, never mind.
Sunset from Casa de Flew Cheap Gas! I just paid $0.059 for gas. It hasn’t been  this cheap in 100 years! This was my actual pump price on 1/1/2020! And,  yes, I paid 83¢ to fill up.
I pity the fool that don’t shop at Kroger!