These are just a few pictures from my home. In 2003, Jackson was struck at midnight by two tornados, one F2 and an F4. They converged approximately a quarter mile north of my home. Because I work with the local utility in Jackson, I had to make my way out and get to the office ASAP. This is the sight I found in daylight when I returned about 16 hours later. The metal is from the barn across the road. I lost three 80’ oaks and a lovely ash. Needless to say, the place doesn’t look the same.
BOOKS: Ok, I read...a lot! I’ve read all my life. Well, not really all of my life. I was so traumatized from the birth experience that I refused to read for years. But, eventually I got over it and, since I started, I probably haven’t gone more than a week total that I did not have a book on my night stand that I was reading.
My passion is Science Fiction but I am also hooked on Fantasy. On the Sci Fi side,
I’ve read all of the classics -
Along with “Children” I have recently discovered three new (to me) authors. George R.R. Martin has written a serial he has labeled “A Song of Ice and Fire”. If you like a mixture of chivalry, knighthood, clans, blood and guts, then you will love this one. Unfortunately, the total length of this series is seven books, each 900+ pages, and he has only written four since 1996. The fifth has been promised since the end of last year and yet to be released. Along a very similar line, Gregory Keyes has written a series he calls “The Kingdom of Thorn and Bones”. Alas, he has released only three of the five books, but the fourth is, uh, forthcoming. (This does get very frustrating!)
On the bright side, if you want some hard core space opera, check out Walter John Williams “Dread Empire’s Fall” trilogy. All three are in print and readily available from Amazon.
I almost forgot, for you Scotiaphiles, try “The Loch” by Steven Alten. It combines the Lochness Monster with the Knights Templar set in modern Scotland. For those who have journeyed to Scotland with Alex (or without him), many of the sites in the book are familiar such as Ft. Augustus and Urquhart Castle. Amy gave me this for Christmas and I found it very fascinating reading.