
As Alex is wont to say, he is beset by fans that are touched with Beatonitis. That makes us Beatonites...all!

Long's Peak Scottish-Irish Highland Festival
1st Battalion Scots Guards enters the Tattoo Field We encountered this bull Elk on the way back from breakfast. Alex and big brother Neil share a tune before the Games. Bonnie Prince Charlie had to stop by and have a word sparring contest with Alex. Here the Prince retreats...again. A piper for the 1st Battalion Scots Guards. A Gathering of Beatonites - Alex, Linda, Jill Cyr, Neil Beaton, Anne Beaton, myself, Ed Gillander, Sharon Campbell...and Eddie Devine, Scottish Comedian (an oxymoron for sure) sneaks in.
Grandfather Mountain Highland Games
After traveling all the way to Ireland and back, I had to come to Grandfather to find a real Faerie! Jim Thompson, Drum Major with the Atlanta Pipe Band, leads the Massed Bands. Jim tells me this will be his last year to lead the Massed Bands at Grandfather. Saturday afternoon at Grandfather and the McPherson's are out in force. That would be JT in the hat. And that’s Sammy Arnold waving along with his mother, Beth. Our Faerie returns on Saturday this time appearing to be followed by a Pixie. Alex tweets while Bob Campbell stands in the rain. Yours truly with the lovely Marnie Campbell Claudia Banahan sporting a rare Beaton Butt Button Sunday afternoon jam with Alex, Ed Miller and Jil Chambless and Scooter Muse of Henri’s Notions
Glasgow Highland Games
Skip Cleavinger and Shetland fiddler, Lynda

Arkansas Highland Games

Ricky Pitman & Tom McClandish (aka Angus Dubhghall) with Alex Dr. Joe Lyle performs “The Road to Mallaig (4:45) A Scottish Deerhound (I didn’t get his name) At the Ceilidh with Alex, Jeani, Linda, Tom, Moi, Nancy and Carol Jeanie Stewart Moore & Jeanie Moore Kyle Alex Performing in the Small Chapel