The Flew family has never been a large clan. I never knew my grandparents on my father's side; all I know about them is that they migrated to the States from Southern, England. My father was one of five siblings, being the only son. Fittingly, he was known to my four aunts as Brotha.

His sisters were Clara Bell (whom I confused with the clown when I was young), Annie, referred to as Aunt Tee, who was married to Curtis Dempsey, a TVA construction worker, Francis, who was married to Carl Sheffield and Willie Mae Travis. Aunt Mae was the only one that lived here in Jackson while Aunt Clara Bell lived in Granite City, MO (just outside of St. Louis), Aunt Tee (Annie) lived all over the Tennessee Valley area and Aunt Francis lived in Florida. While Pop, Aunt Clara Bell, Aunt Tee and Aunt Francis passed away in their 70s, Aunt Mae was hale and hearty well into her 90s. Once, when discussing the fact that her other siblings had all been diabetic, Cissy's then husband stated I'm not diabetic, I'm Pentacostal. Without batting an eye, Aunt Mae replied I'd rather be diabetic!

The only grandparents I have ever known was momma's adoptive mother, Goldie May Crosby, whom we knew affectionately as Big Momma (though she was actually quite diminutive) and her second husband whom we called Pa George. Big Momma raised chickens and we always gathered and ate fresh eggs when we stayed with her. She also had a strawberry patch that seemed to have ripe strawberries all year round. Pa George was retired from the GM&O Railroad where he had suffered an accident and lost his left arm above the elbow. Once when Frank taunted him that he could not punish him because he only had one arm, Pa George grabbed him by the scruff of the neck, stuck him under his stub arm and wore his butt out! (This was an excellent lesson in respecting authority that, unfortunately, did not register on Frank for the next 20 years or so.)

This brings us to our family as it is now made up. The eldest is Frank, named for my father, his wife, Delores, and their daughter Glenda and son-in-law Brian. My sister, Cissy, is married to Tom Nichols. Her real name is May Elizabeth, named for our grandmother plus Momma's best friend, and is really a beautiful name. However, she has been known as Cissy since a very young age. I would not be surprised if Cissy is the name on her driver's license. Cissy has two kids, Jeff and Tricia, with two and three children respectively. The baby of the family is John with two sons, Justin and James. The love of my life is my daughter, Amy and my son, Brian Roberts (a story in itself that I would be glad to relate to you.)

Frank Thomas Flew Patricia Jane Vawter Flew
Mom and Dad's wedding 1948 Momma at age 19 Momma at age 2 On their honeymoon 1948
Big Momma and her dog, Wicky Pop and Amy Francis, Annie, Willie Mae, Brotha and Clara Bell Delo & Hunter Aunt Mae and Aunt Tee
Skipper John, Me, Uncle Curtis and Frank Big Mamma & Pa George Aunt Mae, Jeff and Momma
Cissy, Frank & Me Frank in Little League (an Elk) Cissy’s HS Graduation, 1970 Cissy in High School 1969
Cissy, John & Amy

Frank’s 40th Birthday Glenda, Amy and Rosco Kyra at Jeff’s Wedding
Amy and Friend Lori, Kyra and Jeff Brian & Glenda Gracie, Hannah & Caleb
Amy’s Competitive Years Tricia, 1998

Hannah and Kyra, Summer ‘06

Grace, Christmas 1998
Sue, Aunt Mae, Aunt Francis, Delores, Momma, Frank, John, Glenda, Bennet, Me, (front row) Tricia, Jeff, and Amy (c. 1981) Justin & James John, Brian & Me Amy, Skipper and Me (1988)
At the Home, Christmas 1999 Fred (momma's brother) & Wilma Thompson Pop & his father Francis Great Uncle William George Flew
Pop in Hawaii Big Momma & Pa George Aunt Mae, Aunt Sister, Sarah Ann, Pop, Diane (Travis) and Charles Towater Aunt Clara Bell's High School Year Book
Me, Cissy, John & Frank at Momma's Birthday My High School Year Book Picture Jeff in his Military Service Frank, Cissy & Me
Pop in Hawaii WWII Tom & Cissy's Wedding Day Cissy, Tricia & Jeff Aunt Sista and mess of crappie
To The Flew Family Travelogue