We left Monterey with sunshine and temps in the mid 50s. As we motored south, the temps refused to climb past the mid 60s. We dropped the top a couple of times when the road speed allowed, but it never lasted long.
The first half of the journey found us once again winding along cliff roads high above the Pacific. However, CA1 shifted away from the coast at Morro Bay and, once we stopped in San Luis Obispo for Cali's best tri-tip sandwiches at the Firestone Grill, Our Lady of the GPS never found her way back to the water.
While southern Cali is not in a drought, much of it remains officially "abnormally dry". The locals actually use the river beds as shortcuts when they drive.
Lompoc appears to be predominantly Hispanic, so we ate at the Italian place just across the street. I'm on the hunt for some good tamales.